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  • Growth Challenge

Are you feeling stuck, numb or purposeless?

Do you feel that there is more to life than your current life experience?

Have you realized all your goals and still feel empty inside?

Have you forgotten who you really are?

Regardless of where you are in life, our Growth Challenge program is by far the most impactful program The Kitchen Table has to offer. This 3-stage program is designed to get you to DISCOVER your true God-given identity, DECLARE that identity and anchor it deep in your heart of hearts, and then ACT out of that identity through purposeful intentions in your every day life.

Growth Challenge is not about changing who we are but rather remembering who we were created to be. It is not lost to you, it’s just buried, hidden, protected deep in your heart because it has not been safe to show the real you or because you have been wearing a mask; the one you are hiding behind and have been wearing for so long you have come to believe that it is who you are!

Let us support you in remembering and discovering the truth about who you are and why you were put here on this earth. You are the manifest presence of God on this earth and you bring to this world something unique and genuine that ONLY YOU were created to do. You show the world an aspect of God that no one else is capable of revealing because it was created in you to be displayed by you!

Because we want everyone to have the opportunity to experience our Growth Challenge program, we have created several affordable packages. We have options to pay for the entire Growth Challenge Series (GC1, GC2, and GC3) upfront at a 20% discount, as well as, 6-month or 12-month payment plans.  GC1-Discover Your True Self may be taken as a stand alone program. If you are not ready to commit to the full program, just join us in GC1 first and get your feet wet!

Growth Challenge Full Package Option includes GC1-Discover Your True Self, GC2-Declare Your True Self, and GC3-Take Action! These phases must be taken in order but there’s no expiration to complete the program. We recommend challengers complete all three phases within a year.