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Co-Founder, TKT Life Coaching School Director, Programs Director

Melissa D’Aunoy is a Life Coach that specializes in helping women recover their hearts and live true to themselves. Melissa D’Aunoy received her Master’s Degree in Interpersonal Communications from the University of Louisiana in 2001.  She also trained with Dr. Terry Wardle of Ashland Theological Seminary and Cheryl Evans, LPC, LMFT in Formational Prayer, a Christ-centered approach to wholeness. She leads women’s groups and is an anointed teacher and speaker.

Melissa has worked with victims of sexual abuse, developing a program called Her Held Heart to reclaim her clients’ identity as sexually whole beings. Out of her broken feminine image, she fashioned the Beautiful Mess Series, which includes a variety of topics that pull from all the work Melissa has previously used in her own walk to freedom inviting women to reshape their feminine image and discover their identity in Christ. Additionally, she assists women in establishing healthy boundaries in their lives through her Healthy Boundaries: Discovering the Stepping Stones to Loving Yourself and Others curriculum. In her life coaching practice, she is passionate about empowering and equipping women. Melissa publishes a monthly blog called “Crumbs from my Kitchen Table” that gives a glimpse into her own life while encouraging others to live life to the fullest.

As a mother of five amazing children, one boy, and four girls, she purposes to find her healing and freedom as a legacy for them. She is a homeschool mom, homeschooling her three youngest daughters. Melissa loves simple things like ladybugs, daisies, and chalkboards. She is inspired by the first smell of rain as it rolls in, the impossibility of the honeybee’s flight, and words that surround her at all times.