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  • Recall Healing


First Monday of Every Month

Are you suffering from an incurable illness? Do you consider the possibility that your illness may be stress related? Dr. Caroline Leaf, a respected researcher has declared that illness begins in the mind and constitutes anywhere from 85-98% of the underlying cause of all illnesses. Pastor Kris Vallotton stated in his sermon Walking, Leaping & Praising, that some people who were healed by Jesus later died because they couldn’t sustain the healing they received. Even The Centers for Disease Control has estimated that 85% of diseases originate from stress. Attend this monthly introductory workshop and learn how to identify and release your blocks to optimal health and healing.  Recall Healing is a comprehensive mind-body approach to physical healing that can pinpoint the exact cause of mind made illnesses.

Marc and Melissa use Recall Healing’s mind-body approach to discover and release the specific emotional stressors that are behind many difficult to treat conditions including physical illness, and behavioral problems such as ADHD. Recall Healing Meetings are held the first Monday of the month at The Kitchen Table. This is a free event and open to the public. Please call 337-889-0221 to sign up. Walk-ups are welcome! Meetings are held every first Monday of the month 12 months out of the year. Presentations can also be made to your group or church organization.

Behind Recall Healing:

Gilbert Renaud, PhD, has synthesized the available research on the connection between the mind, the body and physical illness This mind-body healing approach is not intended to replace your medical treatment. Recall Healing does not intend to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases. Its intent is to identify stress in one’s life and through counseling or life coaching, resolve unresolved conflicts that may help a person and their bodies return to health.